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SafestHires Mobile Background Checks

When it comes to ordering background checks, clients and candidates want an order process that is easy and fast. This is why we were one of the first screening companies in America to add the candidate invitation email.

With this feature, the client selects their package from a menu then sends an email to the candidate. The candidate opens the email, enters the information required to process their background check searches, reads their legally required disclosure forms (which are customized for any city- or state-specific requirements) and electronically signs their authorization form. 

Super easy, right? Well, we’ve made it even easier.

Now the client-user can enter the candidate’s mobile number and the candidate will receive a text message with the instructions and a link, and they can initiate the order process on their smart phone.

This is what the mobile-friendly version looks like on an iPhone but it adapts to android phones and all tablets as well.

When finished, they sign their authorization form with their finger. How cool is that?

You can even see in these screenshots that our online customer service chat is live during the order process so we can help candidates in real time if they have any questions. 

If the candidate receives the message via email or text, they can easily process their application on their smartphone or tablet. They will also still be able to process the application on a desktop or laptop, covering every device in today’s largely mobile economy.


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This guy is a Background Checks Bandit and they cost companies millions. By clicking this link, you can to learn how to spot these outlaws and keep your company safe.

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