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Archive for the ‘Disclosure & Authorization Form’ Category

Update Your Background Check Disclosure Form

 Background Check Disclosure Forms Must Be Clear, StandaloneBy David N. AnthonyThe United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit made clear that a prospective employer violates the standalone requirement of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) by including extra material, such as state disclosure requirements, that goes beyond basic and clear authorization language.Reiterating […]

Test Your FCRA Compliance Knowledge

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SafestHires Mobile Background Checks

When it comes to ordering background checks, clients and candidates want an order process that is easy and fast. This is why we were one of the first screening companies in America to add the candidate invitation email. With this feature, the client selects their package from a menu then sends an email to the […]

SafestHires Newsletter October 2017

 Beware of Background Check Bandits >People are applying for jobs to find out if employers are compliant with background check laws and then suing those who are not compliant.Job Search Site To Help Those With Criminal Records Find Employment >Job search website Glassdoor announced that it has “doubled down on its commitment to giving those with […]

SafestHires Demo Video

Welcome to the SafestHires Demo video. This video shows how user-friendly our system is and covers the traditionalorder process.To view the entire SafestHires user experience, including the candidate invitation order process and other convenientfeatures, click this link to register for a live online demo.  

SafestHires Deck

Avoid Getting Sued Over Background Check Forms

Tens of thousands of companies across America today are at risk for a crippling lawsuit because they conduct employment background checks and the form they make their applicants read and sign, authorizing the background check, contains language that is not legally permitted. By reading this blog, reviewing your disclosure & authorization form, and consulting legal […]

Beware of Background Check Bandits

   Cory Groshek’s LinkedIn profile says he’s “a highly driven, motivated, creative, and industrious individual that is committed to empowering men, women, and children worldwide to create the greatest lives and experiences possible for themselves through positive thinking, passionate beliefs, and inspired actions.” Yet, one of his most “industrious” (and devious) accomplishments is a scheme that earned […]

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This guy is a Background Checks Bandit and they cost companies millions. By clicking this link, you can to learn how to spot these outlaws and keep your company safe.

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