Many companies this year have been hauled into court for violating employment laws related to background checks. The worst part is, the people at these companies who oversee background checks had no idea the violations were taking place. They sincerely believed their background screening program was 100% compliant.Unfortunately, the majority of people who oversee their […]
Beware of Background Check Bandits >People are applying for jobs to find out if employers are compliant with background check laws and then suing those who are not compliant.Job Search Site To Help Those With Criminal Records Find Employment >Job search website Glassdoor announced that it has “doubled down on its commitment to giving those with […]
You may not know this, but background screening is a highly regulated industry. If your organization gets background checks from a screening company, it’s important to be aware of the various laws and regulations that affect the industry. It’s especially important to know what Adverse Action is and why you should care. Due in large […]
When it comes to doing employment background checks, most companies want to get the background information as quickly as possible, but with background checks, instant gratification can be deadly. Whenever you cut corners with a background check, the potential to omit valuable information or to obtain inaccurate information is substantially increased. The number one reason that […]
Tens of thousands of companies across America today are at risk for a crippling lawsuit because they conduct employment background checks and the form they make their applicants read and sign, authorizing the background check, contains language that is not legally permitted. By reading this blog, reviewing your disclosure & authorization form, and consulting legal […]